A friend of mine, he is a leather artist, had me make this tag-key holder. He really has beautiful hands. He exercised his ingenuity here and there. What do you think about this black hemming? What a beautiful work!
You know, this pig motif is used by my loved one’s band as their symbol. He said in his interview with sarcasm that every men is like a pig. Well, I don’t agree with him really. I have thought that almost men are like bear since long ago XD Also, the phrase of other side of the key-holder is my handwritten. I always think so about human life, and I think it fits my loved one too. This means that everybody can rise any number of times if they fall on the ground. It is a beautiful production that was born with collaboration of my friend and me. He did really great job! I sent this key holder to my loved one as a birthday present the other day. I hope it will arrive to him safely and he will like it お客様からの写真2(オーダーメイドのタグキーホルダー)